Author Archives: Angie Addison

How to Maximize Your Candidate Interviews & Select the Best Candidate

preparing for a job interview with good candidate

Interviews with potential candidates can be exciting, yet stressful. How do you ensure that you are asking the right questions and selecting the best candidate?  Making an error by hiring the wrong person can be a costly mistake – both for your company’s financials and employee morale.  Luckily, there are things business owners can do […]

7 Common HR Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

7 Common HR Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Is Your Professional Services Firm Accidentally at Risk? We get it. Growing a company requires attention to many moving parts. Your office manager likely spins many plates, too. And despite the best intentions, simple and honest mistakes in human resources practices happen. We see it. At Milestones HR, we help many professional services businesses with […]

Common Employer Questions as Employees Return to Work from Shelter in Place due to COVID-19

tips for returning to work after coronavirus quarantine

We have been fielding questions about employees returning to work as the expiration date for the shelter in place is weeks away in Wisconsin.  In addition to my previous blogs about how to welcome back employees, employers are bracing for the “what if” scenarios.  While it’s ideal if employers can continue to have their employees […]