Milestones Human Resources
has been providing human resources solutions
for professional services businesses since 2014.

We offer Human Resources Generalist expertise to professional services businesses who are in a stage of their business that does not warrant a full time Human Resources professional, yet knows the value of having partner with those expertise.
We have proudly served over 100+ companies since 2014


Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation!
We’ll spend 30 minutes hearing your needs and sharing our offerings to  determine if our partnership is right solution for your business.

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hr advice & tips

Fair Labor Standards Act: As An Employer, Should I Wait to Implement The New Law?

It’s the start of July and the new Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) salary threshold; [...]

How to Keep Your Human Resources Records Organized & Complaint

Business owners have a lot of balls to juggle. We often get asked; how do [...]

How to Maximize Your Employee & Manager Check In Meetings

Are you and your employee getting the most out of your scheduled check in meetings? [...]

How to Maximize Your Candidate Interviews & Select the Best Candidate

Interviews with potential candidates can be exciting, yet stressful. How do you ensure that you [...]
