We serve various professional services businesses including:

Accounting/CPA Firms
Architecture Firms
Bio Sciences
Engineering Firms
Financial Planners/Banks
IT Consulting/Technology
Marketing, PR, & Advertising
Real Estate

You have options as to how you partner with us!

To begin, we prefer to have a complementary meeting with you to explore what your Human Resources needs are and how we can partner with you in a way that is ideal for you and your employees. Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation!

We offer many solutions including:

  • Serving as an on-site Human Resources Generalist in a short or long term capacity.
  • Setting up an HR function or complimenting an existing function; then training an existing employee to maintain it. We’re here if there is a sticky or one-off situation with just a phone call or e-mail.
  • Complementing existing Human Resources teams with project work that would better be executed by a non-biased third party or a project they just haven’t gotten to but would like done.

Solutions for Your Business:

Milestones HR focuses on all Human Resources related services including:

We often are engaged to “look under the hood.”

Our clients want to understand which Human Resources practices are on target and which may cause liability. We provide a priority list by each functional area. Our clients can either engage us to further address the identified priorities or use other resources to do so.

What do your employee really think of your company, the company values, their work, their Manager and coworkers, and their future there?

We survey your employees, in person and via electronic survey, to uncover what your company is doing well and what employees would change if they had a magic wand.From those trends, we provide summarized results which turn into goals and an action plan mutually authored.

Author Unique Company Policies

We craft Employee Handbooks and polices that represent how you really run your business. The only thing worse than not having an Employee Handbook is having one that doesn’t even begin to represent your culture (normally borrowed from another company) or how you do things. We create practical, culture specific Employee Handbooks

Train your non-Human Resources employee, who is wearing the HR hat, along with several other hats.

We work with your employee to identify HR processes and systems that are working and those which need fine tuning. We create and refine processes that work with the business and offer your HR hat wearing employee a “call an expert” relationship

Build or refine HR infrastructure & strategy whether you’re starting from scratch or need a tune up

We align the Human Resource function to work towards your company’s short and long term goals. We ensure that all systems are working together to create efficiency and reduce administrative costs.

Help you hire people who are a technical and cultural match by writing job posts, recruiting, selection, background & reference checking, and orientation/onboarding

We get to know your culture.Once we do, we work with you to secure the top talent that best complements your company. We acclimate the new hire to your culture so that they can contribute sooner.

Mediate and resolve issues which are creating obstacles for you and your employees.

We solve employee dissatisfaction to increase employee contributions; fostering an environment that people want to be a part of and that meets your customer’s needs. We seek out the conflict in order to put it to rest for all those involved

Foster performance outcomes which support and contribute to your company’s goals through performance management, key results area performance assessments, & employee coaching.

We link employee contributions to your company’s success while growing employee knowledge, skills, and abilities

Are you ready to have an expert address all your Human Resources needs so you and your Leaders can focus on their existing responsibilities?

We can do that! We partner with companies to serve as their outsourced/fractional Human Resources Manager. We offload Leaders of their Human Resources duties allowing them the space to focus on their other responsibilities. We act as a member of your company, fulfilling the roles and responsibilities of traditional HR. Meanwhile, we train your Leaders on the HR fundamentals they need when interacting with your team. We offer on-site services for companies who have 10+ employees and off-site support for employees who are remote and/or have a smaller team.